Principles That Guide Our Practice

Hui te mārama hei purapura ora

Working together to nurture and support the wellbeing and growth of mokopuna

Dr Wayne Ngata, Raukura – Chief Advisor Te Ao Māori (2019)

We have a set of practice principles that help guide us in all the work we do.

• Mokopuna and whānau-centred

Mokopuna and their whānau need to be at the centre of decisions, actions and practices that affect their interests, goals and well-being. Their voices are central in our conversations and our thinking.

• Strengths-based

We use a holistic, strengths-based approach which enhances the mana of the individual and their community by focusing on their strengths and potential to address challenges.

• Collaborative

We work as a team to develop, share and achieve mutually agreed goals. We draw on the collective knowledge, experience and insights of mokopuna, whānau, educators, community, and other providers. We recognise and value the different perspectives and strengths each person brings to the team.

• Culturally affirming and responsive

We actively seek to understand and respect the cultural beliefs of those we interact with. We value each person for who they are, and recognise their identity, language and culture as a source of strength. We make an effort to reflect on and understand our own identity, distinct cultures and beliefs, and work to shift any cultural bias we might hold, so we can build genuine and respectful relationships.

• Inclusive

We understand and respond to the diverse strengths and needs of mokopuna, whānau and educators in ways that enhance presence, participation, wellbeing and achievement. We use approaches that are flexible, tailored and negotiated with mokopuna, whānau and educators that best fit their needs and cultural beliefs. We work in partnership with educators and whānau to find solutions that support mokopuna and build educators' and school's capability to practice inclusiveness.

• Ecological

We use an ecological approach when working with Mokopuna. We understand how multiple environments interact and affect learning, behaviour and wellbeing. These environments include homes, learning communities and wider society. We work together to provide support that takes factors into account, and simplifies the process for mokopuna, whānau and educators.

• Evidence informed

Evidence-informed practice is a dynamic interaction between research and inquiry, practitioner and educator expertise, and the perspectives and experiences of whānau and mokopuna. We use approaches and interventions that are based on robust methodologies and sound evidence, and that align with mokopuna cultural perspectives and educational contexts.

Our new Practice Guide ~ He Pikorua can be found here: